You know when you’re enjoying an article,

you’ve read a few short paragraphs and

now you’re interested, and you click

“see full article” and BAM!

A popup asking you to subscribe to

their news channel for like $20/month.


Who has $20 a month to

spend on news articles?


They know it’s cheaper to buy a book, right?


That’s my new wealth goal.

Owning a subscription to Market Watch.


Everything is behind a “paywall” lately.


This is why offering a free “lead magnet”

is so enticing in today’s market.


A lead magnet is something you can

offer your potential clients in exchange

for their contact information.


Using a lead magnet is a great way to

grow your leads list.


Some ideas for a lead magnet:


Cheat sheet.  A cheat sheet offers steps,

examples, and images to help illustrate

a strategy.

Checklist.  A checklist is a great way

for your potential clients to keep track

of their progress.

Ex: “Get your building ready to sell.”

eBooks. eBooks include helpful tips for

your potential clients.  Usually these

answer frequently asked questions or

explain a concept in depth.

Video or Audio Training.  Gives your

audience the opportunity to hear or

watch a piece of your content.

Mini-Course is a series of content

focused on teaching people about one,

specific topic.  Example:

Cold Lead Hero


What’s awesome about my website

package is it come with a selection of

pre-written CRE eBooks to choose from!


Check it out here:

Website design package


A GREAT commercial real estate

website will turn traffic into leads

with multiple points of entry like

eBooks, contact forms, and more.


Creating websites that turn

traffic into leads is another way

I’m taking the “broke” out of

commercial real estate brokerage.


So, check it out!

Website design package