The biggest thing that the CRE industry seems to ignore

is visibility.  Before you delete this email and proclaim,

“Only residential people do that crap!”  Hear me out!


Visibility takes some work, I admit this.

Personally, I prefer visibility work to cold calling

any day!  Would you REALLY rather do a day of

cold calling instead of 15-mins of filling out

a Google Business listing?


I would choose creating a basic website over

hundreds of mailers to go to freezing cold lists.

Did you know stamps are ~60-cents apiece now?!

When you add in envelope and printing you’re spending

$1 per mailer, for a physical mailing campaign that

MAYBE gets 1% conversion on a good day.

And a conversion is just a contact,

it doesn’t mean they’ll actually go through

with a transaction.


Cold mailing is an expensive gamble, in my personal

opinion.  But a Google Business listing (free) plus a

Website package  can pay off for years

to come without blowing your voice out on cold calls

and spending WAY too much on stamps that may

never see a return.


A  Website package costs about as much

as 1 average commercial real estate transaction.

Meaning, that website has to bring in JUST ONE

transaction for you to make your money back.


Now, that’s a horse I’d bet on.


Website design comes with stock content, images,

video and more make it a fast and efficient way to

get a commercial real estate website done at

a discounted price.


Offering a Website Design package is another way

I’m taking the “broke” out of

commercial real estate brokerage.


~ Brandy