If you have a website that was created years ago, chances are the features and options might not be up to date, which is why you might consider improving the design. Design improvement can be a game-changer for a real estate business as it can improve client attention while differentiating yourself from the competition. You can start by using tips to get the best commercial real estate website design for your business.  Time to Redesign Your Commercial Real Estate Website? 4 Ways to Check.


Updating your website can greatly improve the traffic it attracts while providing visitors with a more user-friendly experience, but at the same time, it can take a lot of time and money. This is why you need to carefully consider what changes you need to make on your site to drain your resources. Start by making a plan about which items are outdated, and once you have a comprehensive list of features you’d like to update, see how they fit into your budget before you execute your plan.

Modernize the Layout

The layout is the general overview of the site and the first thing the user notices when they come on your website. If your layout is dated, it might be off-putting for some viewers as they might not feel like it is a premium experience, and some elements might even load slower. If you choose to overhaul your layout, there are numerous templates available online that you can choose from to ensure you can display your content in a way that is more appealing to visitors.  5 Effective Commercial Real Estate Website Design Tips.

Update Content

Businesses evolve with time, and their image should be reflected on your website, so you might need to update the content. This includes removing irrelevant images and services that are no longer being offered so you can provide images and videos of recent property listings along with an updated service offering. Be sure also to update your contact details if they have changed. If you’re also considering updating your blog content, make sure it uses SEO to help your website rank higher.  Need new content?  Our Custom Website package comes with original content written for you!

Add Social Media

Social media can help expand your reach, so it is important to include your social media handles on your website so potential clients can choose to follow them for updated content and listings. The website should also be compatible with social media and allow clients to share any listings on your website to generate more traction.  NAIOP – it’s time to use Social Media.

Mobile Friendliness

Websites were initially created for desktop use, but the majority of Internet traffic comes from smartphones which makes it crucial for companies to ensure their websites are compatible with different handheld devices. The layout should also be customized so there is no disparity in information visible to potential clients, and they can scroll through the site to identify relevant content and property listings.