Most agents and brokerages put their commercial real estate marketing plan aside because they are busy making deals and working on the day-to-day. I’m here to give you a digital marketing plan that will automate your commercial real estate marketing.
Let’s build a sales funnel. You can dump cold leads in and get sales on the other side.
Step 1. Create a Sales Vehicle (Freebie)
A freebie is used at the top of your funnel to get opt-ins to your email list. Freebies can be used to (1) entice cold leads to sign up for your email list, (2) get traffic from your website to sign up for your email list, and (3) run ads to your freebie to list build.
Your freebie, or package of freebies, will be the cornerstone of your funnel, so it’s important to use something that your target market will value. This can be an eBook, checklist, cheat sheet, video presentation, audio presentation, webinar, or online course. Or package them together for a killer freebie package!
A great freebie will be regarding subjects your target market wants to learn more about.
Need help with creating a freebie? Check out Lead Magnet Hero.
Step 2. Website Landing Page.
Once you have your freebie created, give it a landing page on your website.
The landing page will showcase your freebie with a contact form next to it. Your prospect will be required to fill out the form to receive your freebie.
Once the form is filled out, make the next page the downloads page for all your freebies.
I know it’s scary to release all this great info without knowing if the email provided is legit, but making it automated will be a better marketing strategy long-term. You don’t want to be stuck sending attachments when you’re on a cruise! Automating this will give the freebies immediately to the person who asked for them, without you lifting a finger.
Step 3. Follow up emails.
In commercial real estate, we deal with higher dollar transactions. The higher dollar the sale, the more time is needed to nurture your prospect.
When a prospect downloads your freebie, you’ll need a series of helpful emails to follow.
Newsletters work the best in commercial real estate, as they are consistently going to keep you top-of-mind whenever your potential client finally decides to make a move on their portfolio or space needs. You can do these weekly, bi-weekly or monthly. The point is to show up consistently.
Welcome Sequence
If the idea of creating newsletters makes you exhausted, consider a welcome sequence.
Welcome emails are a series of emails that each prospect receives over a length of time. You can start with just 5-6 emails and add on as you go.
I know commercial real estate professionals that would rather do the welcome sequence than a newsletter because they can use the same 20-emails bi-weekly, repeatedly without changing them. It’s one piece of work instead of forever work.
Importance of Follow Up
Follow up is important, so do whichever suits you!
Once your funnel is set up, it’s just a matter of letting it sit and bring you leads.
However, if market conditions get foggy, and you need some extra traffic pushing to your funnel, there are ways to hit the gas!
Step 4. Driving traffic to your funnel.
Paid ads.
You can setup a series of paid ads to run to your freebie funnel. Once your ads are complete, it’s just a matter of turning them on and off as needed.
Paid ads can be Google Ads, Facebook Ads, LinkedIn Ads, Instagram Ads, etc.
PRO TIP: Only do paid ads if you’ve tested your funnel on a warm audience and it has provided you with sales. Don’t expect the same conversion rate with a warm audience as a cold one. Cold audiences will likely convert at a tenth of what your warm audience converted at. For instance, if your warm audience converted at 20%, expect 2% on a cold audience.
Cold outreach.
Write up some cold emails inviting people to take advantage of your FREE resource with a link to your freebie landing page. You can do the same thing with cold calls, cold mailers, and cold texts. Offering a freebie can 10X your cold outreach conversions, so give it a try!
Need help with a funnel?
If you’re ready to start working on a sales funnel, the first step is getting a website. Can’t scale without landing pages and integrations!
Anyone can create a pretty website, slap buttons on it and claim it’s “lead gen.”
I’m the only one offering the Sales Funnel Masterclasses to give you strategies on how to drive traffic to your website, create lead magnets that work, and nurture your leads so you can bring in more sales.
A website without the ability to generate and nurture leads is jewelry. It’s nice, but not useful.
Without a sales funnel, you won’t get long lasting results, period.
If you’re nodding along, let’s get started! Schedule a call or zoom.
I’m out to take the “broke” out of commercial real estate brokerage.
I want to start with you.
You ready? Schedule a call or zoom.