Putting your listings into a funnel to get them sold or leased faster is key to changing your cash flow situation from rollercoaster to smooth sailing.

Here are some ideas on how to get your listings sold faster.


A professional photographer taking a photo of an office building.

#1 Photography

While a professional photographer would be great, not everyone can afford that level of service for each listing.  For smaller listings, invest in a good camera and maybe an LED with tripod.  The extra lighting will come in handy for empty spaces.  Turn on all the lights and squeeze yourself into corners to get the widest angles you can.  For exterior shots, be there at dawn or dusk for the best possible lighting for the building.


A business person flying a drone around an office building.

#2 Videography

For premium listings, a hiring drone videography company would be a great benefit.  Especially if the property has a large yard, or busy intersection that you want to capture.  For smaller listings, taking a video walk-thru with your camera and posting it on YouTube would be above and beyond what your client expects.


A designer creating a floor plan on their computer.

#3 Virtual Tours & 360 Videos

Have you been wondering how people have those crazy, interactive, 3D floorplans?  Matterport is likely the provider of most floorplan and virtual tour 3D walk thrus you see.  They have capture services where you can book your appointment on the website and meet the capture artist at the listing.  Very simple to use system for a complex 3D floorplan.


A business person taking notes outside of an office building.

#4 Property Description

I know it’s against your better judgement but try writing them at a third grade reading level.  People’s attention spans are shorter – I honestly don’t think this is because we’re dumber.  I think it’s because there are great copywriters who can capture our attention in 5 seconds, we scroll past everyone who can’t capture us as quickly.  Once the headline has our attention, we’ll watch the 20-minute video or read the full article.

Property descriptions are the same way.  Hook them right away with a simple concept and keep them with simpler words.  People don’t want to use calories on property descriptions.  We need to make these as easy as possible.

Back when I was doing marketing for a brokerage, I found the simpler the title, the more traffic the listing received.  For instance, “±1,000 SF Office Suite on Power & Ray, Mesa AZ” worked better than, “Small Office Unit in Amazing Up and Coming Area, East of Phoenix.”  The less people need to think about what they’re clicking on, the better the results.

Same with property descriptions.  All the relevant information was in short bullet format.  I RARELY used paragraphs, if I did, it was against my will.  The faster it is to read and understand, the better results in your ability to turn around listings.


A designer working on a brochure on their computer in a modern office.

#5. Listing Brochure / Offering Memorandum

Sophisticated listing brochures can turn listings around faster and impress your clients.  Listings brochures and offering memorandums can become a complicated process if you don’t have a marketing team available in your brokerage.  The online listing brochure creators are expensive, and the monthly fees can be a huge burden.  Check out our Brochure & OM Templates.  You get 4 listing brochures and 4 offering memorandum templates at a one-time fee, no subscriptions.  Also included, I show you how to do press releases and email blasts with provided templates and how-to videos.


A business person searching on their computer in a modern office.

#6 Online listing platforms

Having your listing up and available is key to getting eyes on it, so never procrastinate on this!  Are the listing platforms getting too expensive?  Here’s a list of free commercial real estate listing sites.


A business person in a coffee shop looking at their cellphone.

#7 Email marketing

If you have an email list, be sure to announce your listings.  You don’t have to blast them every day, but a bi-weekly mockup of all your new, pending and sold listings is always interesting for other property owners to view.  Everyone wants to know what’s going on in their neighborhood.

If you don’t have an email list, consider using Big Boys Blast to get your listing out to over 100k emails in one shot.  It is an inexpensive way to get your listing out there and is sure to impress your client with your extra follow-through.


 A business person shaking hands with clients in a modern office lobby.

#8 Press Releases

This isn’t as hard as it sounds, I promise.  Using an automated press release blaster like EIN Presswire will make your press releases easy and fast.  After your order, they will send you a PDF with every news outlet that picked up your story and a link to view it.  Forwarding this to your clients will impress them with your dedication to their property.


A business person at a restaurant taking a selfie with her smartphone; selective focus

#9 Social media

If you’re on social media, don’t forget to announce your listing on whatever platforms you’re using.  A live walkthrough is always a popular way to get your listing out to as many people as possible.


Happy business people gathered together looking at a laptop screen.

#10 Advertise your listings on your website

Don’t forget to add your listings to your website to maximize their exposure.  Also, if you have listings on your website and you’re doing press releases, email marketing, social media, etc., you can direct people to your website – increasing your traffic and bring in more leads.  If you want to showcase your listings on your website, we have the CRE Listing plugin available with purchase of a website.  More traffic to your website will result in more leads and more deals.


A blond lady taking a video call in a modern office. Camera shows laptop screen.

Get a website that showcases your listings!

Use your listings to drive traffic to a website built for capturing leads!

Anyone can create a pretty website, slap buttons on it and call it “lead generating.”

I’m the only one offering the Sales Funnel Masterclass to give you strategies on how to drive traffic to your website and listings, create lead magnets that work, and follow-up with your leads on a larger scale.

A website without the ability to showcase your listings is jewelry.  Nice, but not very useful.

Without a sales funnel won’t get long-lasting results, period.


I’m out to take the “broke” out of commercial real estate brokerage. 

I want to start with you.

You ready?  Schedule a call or zoom.