I used to work in a commercial real estate

brokerage, I know what it’s like.


If your deals have past and

you have nothing in the pipeline,

brokers start screaming that you

need to cold call.


The thing is that cold calling is one tool

in a warehouse full of tools.


55 Ways to Generate CRE Leads

(No Cold Calling!)


If you MUST cold call,

consider automating the whole shebang!


Automated cold calling is shockingly

low cost.  Before you ask, yes, it

does work on office landlines.

You’ll just need their direct phone number.


In minutes, hundreds of potential clients

think you’ve personally given them a call.


Check out the

Cold Lead Hero!

You’ll learn how to download a

leads list, pre-record a message,

and send it out with a single click.


Showing you how to automate

your cold leads is another way

I’m taking the “broke” out of

commercial real estate brokerage.