You know how no one

wants to work anymore?


And the people that are working

are charging high prices because they can?


Well, this happened to me.

One of my contractors suddenly

had a huge increase in rates.


At first, I wasn’t having it,

and I sought out a new person.

However, true to the current market,

the only other person to apply for

the job had rates even higher than

my original contractor’s new rates!


Did I hold my pride and hire

the more expensive person?

Heck No!


I crawled back and said her

new rates were fine after-all!


Luckily, she took pity on me

and accepted me back!


You know what’s great about templates?

They don’t charge hourly rates.

The hard part is done for you

and editing them does not

take a lot of work and time.


And you don’t need an

expensive contractor!


The Ultimate CRE Sales Funnel

includes do-it-yourself marketing

techniques, including how to

automate and nurture leads

through hands-free funnels.


Best part?

I provide templates and content

to make it happen


Check it out here.


Providing you marketing agency

level techniques is another way

I’m taking the “broke” out of

commercial real estate brokerage.